Clan Capital Troops Explained

Clan Capital Troops Explained
Clan Capital Troops are, just as you can imagine, used to battle and attack other Clan Capitals, just like the Home Village troops.
Currently the Clan Capital has 14 troops:
- Battle Ram
- Flying Fortress
- Hog Raiders
- Minion Horde
- Mountain Golem
- Raid Cart
- Rocket Balloons
- Skeleton Barrels
- Sneaky Archers
- Super Barbarian
- Super Dragon
- Super Giant
- Super P.E.K.K.A
- Super Wizard
However, there are several changes in their training, unlock, and upgrade.
Unlocking Troops

On the Home Village new troops are unlocked by upgrading your Town Hall. On Clan Capital, however, troops are unlocked by building their own Barrack.
Each individual troop has its Barrack, and they are located in different Clan Districts.
To find out which Clan District each Troop Barrack is located, check each troop page.
Upgrading Troops

Another major difference from the Home Village is you upgrade each troop.
On Clan Capital we don't have a Laboratory; instead, every troop has its own Barrack, and the troops can be upgraded by upgrading their Barrack.
These upgrades, just like all Clan Capital upgrades, don't have a timer. Once the clan members make enough Capital Gold contributions, the upgrade is completed.
It's important to note that the troop level is the same for all Clan members. Once the troop is unlocked or upgraded, all members can train that specific troop, regardless of their Capital Gold contribution or the Town Hall level.
Training Your Capital Army
Another significant difference from the Home Village is the Army Training, as there is no training time.
Training your army is relatively simple; you can access the training menu by tapping the training button on the village (located in the same place as the Home Village) or by visiting the Army Camp on the Clan Districts.
Every Clan member has access to Troops and Spells unlocked on the Clan Capital. This means that everyone, from max-out to brand new members, will attack with the same troops and spells.
All training is instantaneous, as there is no training time.
The Army Camp size is the sum of the capacity of all Army Camps located in all Clan Districts.
Clan Capital |
Clan Capital Explained • Army Camp • Capital Districts • Capital Gold • Capital Hall • Defenses • District Hall • Forge • Raid Medals • Raid Weekends • Reputation • Spell Factories • Spell Storage • Spells • Traps • Troop Barracks • Troops |

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